Lifelong Learner
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Past projects
«EABE 2017 - NanoPlayBoard como recurso educativo» in EABE 2017, 1 April 2017, Almería. Storify. [Photos].
«Programa tu primer videojuego con Scratch» in the provincial meeting of volunteers of Andalucía Compromiso Digital, 10 March 2017, Almería. The resources used in the workshop are available at GitHub. [Storify].
«Experimenta y aprende programando con NanoPlayBoard» in III Jornadas HackLab 2016, 10 December 2016, Almería. The resources used in the talk are available at GitHub. [Photos].
«Experimentando con chismes y cacharros» in Codemotion Madrid 2016, 19 November 2016, Madrid. The repository used in the workshop can be found at GitHub. [Photos].
«NanoPlayBoard: Un proyecto educativo Open Source Hardware» in XIII Jornadas SLCENT de Actualización Informática y Electrónica, 17 November 2016, Almería. The slides can be found at Speaker Deck. [Photos].
«Gente que hace cosas con cacharros» in Genuino Day 2016, 2 April 2016, Almería. The slides are availabe at Speaker Deck and the repository with the examples can be found at GitHub. [Photos].
«Gente que hace cosas con cacharros» in Codemotion Madrid 2015, 28 November 2015, Madrid. The slides are availabe at Speaker Deck and the repository with the examples can be found at GitHub.
Open Source Android Libraries in XII Jornadas SLCENT de Actualización Informática y Electrónica, 28 October 2015, Almería. This event was organized by IES Al-Ándalus, CEP Almería and HackLab Almería. The slides can be found at Speaker Deck.
Android Wear Workshop in the March monthly meeting of the Android Almería Developer Group, 17 March 2015, Almería. This event was organized by IES Al-Ándalus and HackLab Almería. The resources and the example codes used in the workshop can be found at GitHub.
Android Sensors in XI Jornadas SLCENT de Actualización Informática y Electrónica, 19 November 2014, Almería. This event was organized by IES Al-Ándalus, CEP Almería and HackLab Almería. The slides can be found at Speaker Deck.
Android Sensors Overview in the June monthly meeting of the G+ Community Android Almería, 19 June 2014. This event was organized by HackLab Almería and G+ Community Android Almería, in collaboration with La Oficina. The slides can be found at GitHub.
Android Services & Background Tasks in XV Betabeers Almería, 25 March 2014. This event was organized by Betabeers Almería in collaboration with IES Al-Ándalus. The slides can be found at Speaker Deck.
Presentation of the app “culturAL” in XIII Betabeers Almería, 20 December 2013. The slides can be found at Speaker Deck.
Android Services. In V Viernes Androides, organized by UNIA, a University Student Association of Almería. 22 November 2013. The slides used in this talk can be found at Speaker Deck and the sample codes at GitHub.
Android Services. In I Google Developers Group DevFest Sur 2013, organized by the GDGs of Córdoba, Granada, Murcia and Seville. 31 October 2013. In this talk we show the different types of Services that exist in Android and how we can use them in our applications to perform operations in the background. The slides used in this talk can be found at Speaker Deck and the sample codes at GitHub.
Services vs IntentServices. In the October monthly meeting of the G+ Community Android Almería. 18 October 2013.
Introducing the app “Almería en tu mano” in X Betabeers Almería, 27 June 2013. This event was organized by Betabeers Almería in collaboration with UNIA. The slides can be found at Speaker Deck.