Lifelong Learner

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NanoPlayBoard in «XIII Jornadas SLCENT»

November 26, 2016

This year we have been invited to take part in the XIII Jornadas SLCENT, organised by IES Al-Ándalus, CEP Almería and HackLab Almería.

This was the first time that NanoPlayBoard has been presented in public and it was very exciting to share the project with students, teachers and the rest of the educational community.

Antonio Morales explained how has been the creation process of the board from the hardware overview and José Juan Sánchez showed different software resources that have been developed for the project in order to make easy the use of the board.

The slides used in the talks are available below.

A big thanks to the organization of the event. We had a really great time there!

Hardware Overview

Software Overview


Jornadas SLCENT

Jornadas SLCENT

Jornadas SLCENT