Android Lab

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Creative Commons License
This work by José Juan Sánchez Hernández is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

A comparisson between: Service, Thread, IntentService and AsyncTask

  Service Thread IntentService AsyncTask
When to use? - Task with no UI, but shouldn’t be too long.

- Use threads within service for long tasks.
- Long task in general.

- For tasks in parallel use Multiple threads (traditional mechanisms).
- Long task usually with no communication to main thread. (Update)

- If communication is required, can use main thread handler or broadcast intents.

- When callbacks are needed (Intent triggered tasks).
- Small task having to communicate with main thread.

- For tasks in parallel use multiple instances OR Executor (API Level 11 Introduces the executeOnExecutor() method).
Trigger Call to method onStartService() Thread start() method Intent Call to method execute()

Original: Comparisons. [Tejas Lagvankar]

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